It was a true blessing to see that almost every girl which attended (98%) wrote in their closing survey they want to return and bring friends!
Testimony of Transformation
One unchurched girl received Christ and is now using the materials from True ID to start a Bible study in her school.
Another young woman, 18 years old, gathered all her siblings and took them all for an overnight at a hotel (two brothers and three sisters). She proceeded to use the materials to go over all she had learned with them, citing, “everyone needs to hear this, even the younger boys!”
Training Young Adult Women Leaders
Tears of joy were shared by the team as we debriefed after the conference. “We need to avail this for college-aged students too; we NEVER were taught this!”
~Lindsay, Megan and Haley – Christian college seniors
“I wish I had something like this in high school or college, so I didn’t have to learn the hard way.”
~Nancy – team leader and professional Christian counselor